Doses of Reality

Fall/Winter 2013 As Seen in Our Fall/Winter 2013 Issue
Doses of Reality
A nursing student applies hot compresses to the eyes of a patient at the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute in a pre-1940 photo. Learning and practicing skills by the bedside on live patients had its limitations, not the least of which was a fear of soiling pristine white cuffs and apron, according to Our Shared Legacy: Nursing Education at Johns Hopkins 1889-2006. For more on how nursing education differs today.  Photograph courtesy of the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives
A nursing student applies hot compresses to the eyes of a patient at the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute in a pre-1940 photo. Learning and practicing skills by the bedside on live patients had its limitations, not the least of which was a fear of soiling pristine white cuffs and apron, according to Our Shared Legacy: Nursing Education at Johns Hopkins 1889-2006. For more on how nursing education differs today.
Photograph courtesy of the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives

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